Monday, April 23, 2018

The Syrian Story

It came up in the news today that ALL Syrians have to register their property (houses, businesses, shops, condos, etc) have to register their property (in person) in four weeks.....or the property reverts to the government. 

What this means?  For those who fled, it's a reality that I suspect most knew it would happen sooner or later.  It's a final door that closes, and if they make no effort.....they can never return.

Across Germany, I suspect that a quarter of the Syrian immigrants are sitting there and thinking heavily over this problem.  Some owned see it slipping away. That group would likely think over this and the idea of going back.

I's silly to get into this mindset.  Most of the properties are heavily damaged.  Some have no damage, but then you have to wonder if the 'war' is really over, and if it's worth leaving Germany.

Somewhere in the mix....I'll predict that a thousand Syrians approach the Germans for some kind of travel document and find enough money for a trip into Lebanon, and then just cross the border to lay claim to their old house or business.....then slip back into Lebanon and fly out to Germany.

The bulk of the Syrians in Germany....especially if under age 30?  They aren't going back.  Zero reason. 

I think Assad's folks will lay claim to the unclaimed property, and it'll help to form some Census of the public number left.  Of the pre-war population of 22-million, the reported best guess is that only 17-million reside in some form (maybe five million of this group is displaced and still living within the border). 

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