Monday, April 9, 2018

It's Just an Odd Thing

If you go and look over ARD and ZDF (the two public TV networks) news of the past seventy-two hours.....on this story from Munster, Germany about the guy who plowed through a crowd....killing two and injuring twenty, then killing himself....there's this odd trend.

Both networks have spent a fair amount of evening news time to talk over the quick hype of people to suggest it was a Muslim jihadist, which turned out to be false.  I'd probably use the term 'rumor mongering' in the way that the story got quickly picked up with minimal facts, and discussed in a way without much substance. 

In one piece by ARD, they went onto suggest that some 'rash judgements' went and became 'irresponsible and unspeakable'. 

I sat and pondered over this.

If you look around Europe over the past three years and judge every single occasion that a auto was used to 'blast-through' a crowd....virtually every single episode involved a jihadist.  It doesn't matter if you go and talk Spain, France, the UK....wherever.  So it's pretty easy to see how one single episode of a vehicle running into a crowd would be perceived in the first two or three hours. 

The second problem here is that the next time that a vehicle does run through a German crowd, and it is a will sense very quickly that ARD and ZDF are both limiting their coverage of the event and trying their best not to discuss more than sixty seconds of material.  No 'preaching' to the crowd or reporter personal commentary will be dished out.  Some Germans will turn and suggest to them that they are being irresponsible and their actions are unspeakable.

Finally, what they seem to miss out of the story is that you had a guy who had shown a fair amount of mental issues, and no one seemed willing to take the step of apprehending him and putting him into a mental facility (for his own protection or for those around him).  This angle to the story seems to be missed a good bit.

Not to criticize the German public TV 'mafia', but they do seem to get on some box, and do an awful lot of preaching at times. 

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