Wednesday, October 2, 2019

How Things Should Work

I often essay over crime in Germany, and the growing skeptical nature of Germans of non-German residents.  Even if you are German and pro-migration....there's a limit to your welcoming nature.

So I'll tell this story, and reference most it back to a Focus article that came out today, and a news piece from back in early July of 2019.

Up in NW Germany is this town....Mulheim.  Nearly 30,000 residents, and this entire region of NW Germany is known for migrants.....but not just the Syrian or Iraqi type from 2014.  There's also a fair number of Romanians and Bulgarians that moved into the region, and started collecting HARTZ IV (welfare money). 

So around 5 July....a group of Bulgarian juvenile boys raped a local young teenager in Mulheim.  Cops have the main suspect (14 year old boy) within their juvenile holding system.

A lot of people around this town started to ask questions.  Political heat was generated.  The townspeople want the Bulgarian family over this kid, to officially leave.  They aren't chasing them around in the you'd see in eastern Germany, but they are quietly putting pressure on the city officials to act. 

Germany is signed up with the EU and there's this have free entry into any EU member state.  You can't be denied that right....well, except for this little clause....if you can't find a job or be economically capable of sponsoring yourself, then you have to leave after three months. 

So the authorities went and asked this father of the family....where is your job?  He came up with this contract form....a mini-job.  Basically a 450-Euro a month job, for a limited (roughly 40 to 50 man-hours).  Things were fine then.

But then, this odd thing happened.  Someone within the city snooped around.  They went to the grill stand that the contract was with.   The grill guy was asked about this employment deal. 'No'....he didn't know anything about this contract.  A fraudulent contract?  Oh yeah.

So the Mayor's staff wrote up this finely worded letter on Monday, and said 'enough'.....the family has to leave Germany within four weeks.  There's no options left, unless this guy gets a lawyer and tries to stall via the court system.  Adding to this whole affair, the news people kinda hinted (in a direct way) that the mother and daughter had already packed up and left. 

Here's the wouldn't need more cops or more laws in Germany....if the system worked the way that it was supposed to work.  It's like having a dozen guys arrested in Frankfurt over the weekend for drug dealing, and the dozen are all non-Germans.  You'd think that a judge would just don't have a valid work are dealing in crime and drugs.....we don't need to waste any extra time with you going back to sell drugs tomorrow, and getting detained forty times over a three-year period.

The real key to solving public discontent and suggesting migrant issues is that the prosecution system and judges aren't covering their end of the relationship to the public.  If the public feels threatened or that their sphere of security is ought to be simple to resolve this and not have the public get all hyped-up to favor the AfD Party or massive anti-immigrant stances. 

1 comment:

Daz said...

Yes, there's too much of this 'we need a new law for this' nonsense. There's plenty of good existing laws that would fix most of the problems if they were enforced. Bring on restorative justice, where the families of the victim's and/or the victim themselves get to decide the punishment and hopefully enact it.