Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Shooting Story

Germans will tell you that there just aren't shoot-outs like you see on TV in the US.....that Germany is mostly (except for the stabbing business) a safe place.

Yesterday evening (Wed), this gunfire incident occurred in Abensberg.

It's a town of 12,000....about halfway between Nuremberg and Munich.....deep into the heart of Bavaria.

What cops say is that some gunfire erupted and there's this 39-year old guy laying dead in the parking of a grocery operation.  A second guy is wounded, but surviving. 

The cops got active....had some info, and later apprehended two guys.

So what was this about?  Well....the shot guys were Serbs.  The two suspects are Kosovo guys.  Cops hint in some way that they all knew each other.  Crime mafia connection?  No, they aren't saying it that way. 

An illegal gun?  Cops haven't gotten around to that detail yet, but more than likely. 

Incidents do occur in Germany with's just that the news reports mostly stay local, and unless you read through a lot of different won't be a story that you hear much about.  But I will counter that it's a heck of a lot more safer in some small town in Bavaria, than in Memphis on a Friday night.

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