Monday, April 20, 2020

A Chicken Story

So this is a local story concerning Wiesbaden, and you have to be amused at the current state of affairs and the level of crime in the city.

About a week ago (9 April)....some burglars got into the freezer area of the local Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) operation over by the old Air Force Station (Lindsey).....along Schiersteiner Strasse.

They basically stole a number of 'bags' of frozen chicken.  Value is assessed at somewhere in the hundreds of Euro.

They exit the building and then call a taxi (yes, they actually called for a get-a-way vehicle in the form of a taxi).  You can imagine the driver standing there, and helping the folks load the bags.

The taxi driver took them to their destination in town.  The next day.....the driver gets all suspicious and calls the cops. 

So the police piece together the crime, and the location of the delivery.  Three young men are then arrested .  At the time of the police arrival....they were actually cooking up some of the KFC chicken.  Things were secured and the 'kids' arrested.

The thing is....they are all juveniles, and it has to now be handled by the Youth Law folks in town.  So, no jail-time, and some youth-counseling episode will likely be the end result.

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