Tuesday, April 21, 2020

BER Chatter

It's a five-line news piece to be honest, and in the midst of the virus stuff.....it's just minor news.

The TUV people (the government folks who inspect and stamp things 'operational') have gone through the BER Airport in Berlin and said all the safety features are now in place.  The Airport.....near 9 years in delay.....will open this fall (virtually guaranteed now).   N-TV carries the best update and worth reading.

The original cost estimate?  Around one billion Euro (1.2 billion dollars).  Today, with delays and refurbishment.....the cost is near seven billion Euro (8 billion dollars).

The plan now with the two other airports?  Tegal will shutdown, and be torn down.  Usage is what is left as a question-mark.  Schonfeld will continue....as the excess airport to handle what traffic that BER can't handle.  Yeah, that was not the original plan, but things have gotten pretty screwed up over the past decade.  Some experts even suggested around 2016....that another terminal and runway should be added to BER, and frankly.....they couldn't do that because BER wasn't even ready to open with the original plan.

Does the air traffic business even matter during the virus-crisis?  That's a curious thing.  Right now with Frankfurt....they are marginally carrying 5-percent of what would be considered normal.  So you could see BER opening in the fall, and marginally handling less than forty flights a day. 

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