Thursday, April 2, 2020

Germany and the Coronavirus: 2 April 2020

1.  Deaths: 859 (Focus numbers)  Infected: 72,893  (Focus numbers).  It's noted that 158 died over a 24-hour period.  Three German states lead with the death count: Bavaria, NRW and Baden-Wurttemberg (roughly 75-percent of the count).

2.  Germans stuck in New Zealand.  Present number has decreased to around 10,000 now.  Smaller groups are mentioned in Australia, South Africa, and Thailand.

3.  Last night via RTL, a STERN-TV show news item covered the ski resort in Austria (Ischgl) where the 'jump-start' occurred during a major ski week.  Hundreds of individuals got infected, and carried the virus back to their communities across Europe.

4.  It's been dragged around on several page two situations.....that C02 emissions are down since the ban on 'work' started up in Europe.

5.  European debt problems and the Euro?  Well....Italy is in serious trouble, and they need some EU help.  But at this point, unless they start 'printing' money....the whole of Europe is in serious trouble, and one would have doubts that Italy gets much help.

6.  Last night, public TV (ARD) in Germany did a segment on the hooker scene and their loss of money.

7.  Some research folks did a study around Europe of 'short-work' benefits and pay.  Yep, as you might guess.....Germany has one of the weakest programs.  So there are suggestions to pump up the pay. 

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