Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Germany and the Coronavirus: 7 April 2020

1.  Deaths:  1,577    Infected:   98,945 (Focus numbers)

2.  Limited study by some Australian scientists has gotten a fair amount of German interest.  There's this drug commonly used in Australia for head lice and scabies.....Ivermectin.  Apparently, once you hand the pills to a guy to take....two days of treatment rapidly kills off the virus in your body.   Here's the other remarkable thing about the drug....it's real cheap and fairly common.  Rapid test in Germany?  One might suspect that.

3.  The soccer rumor is that the league will start back up in three weeks, with semi-ghost games.....meaning that they will allow some fans into the stadiums.  The number of 'other fans'?  Well.....roughly 220.  Yeah, there will be one guy sitting there and eight seats over, the next guy.  It's better than cancelling the entire season.

4.  Car discounts coming?  Big-time.  But most of these revolve around diesel vehicles.  In the case of Jeep.....it could go as high as 11,000 Euro.  Mercedes is talking about a 3,000 to 5,000 Euro discount (for any vehicle).  Seat is talking about a 2,300 Euro minimum discount.  If you were pretty sure about your job and status....it would be the time to go and call up the dealers and see how far they'd go for a deal.

5.  Odd reversal in Hessen.....picnics in public are now prohibited once again.  Don't ask. It probably won't matter.....people are looking at 20-plus C temperatures and sunshine.....with nothing much to do.  They will picnic even if it's against the rules.

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