Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Germany and the Coronavirus: 16 April 2020

1.  Deaths: 3,552      Infections:   131,410 (Focus numbers).  In general, the recovery numbers are now about half of the infection numbers.

2.  Reporting indicates in the past couple of days....the infection rate has 'soared'.

3.  The state of Bavaria is now approaching 1,000 deaths since day one.

4.  The topic of the Oktoberfest came up yesterday.  The Premier President for Bavaria said in a blunt way that he doesn't expect it to occur this year.

5.  Amazon in France has shut down their operation (by court order).

6.  Large events (concerts, soccer games, etc) are forbidden until the very end of August.

7. The list of still-closed places?  Restaurants, pubs, cafes and bars.  If you serve take-out....that's still OK.  Disco operations are on the list. Theaters, opera halls, concert halls, and museums are on the list.

Amusement parks are on the are casinos, betting shops, brothels, bowling alley operations, pools, and gyms.  Finally, all playgrounds are forbidden to open.

8.  These Germany company 'bonus' checks for extra work or extra-compensation....being tax free?  Yes.  The way that the law was long as the bonus is given between 1 March and 31 December of's tax-free and nothing is taken for social retirement. 

9.  Death-count in my region of Wiesbaden?  We are up to nine was under the age of 65, the rest over.  All appear to have secondary conditions contributing.  The population count for the city?  285,000.

10.  The biggest question at the moment?  Public access on Monday will bump up because of people going back to work.  If you ride the bus or have to wear a mask.  Presently, it's near impossible to find a shop carrying masks for sale.  I suspect a lot of home-made masks will be the 'norm'. 

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