Monday, April 6, 2020

Germany and the Coronavirus: 6 Apr 2020

1.  Deaths:  1,449  Infected:  95,940 (Focus numbers).  Five-percent increase on infected over past 24 hours.  Bavaria leads on the deaths in terms of states: 411 total.

2  There is talk that after the Easter period.....the ban on work and business will end, but the general public would be required to wear masks when in the presence of other people.  Where these masks might come unknown.

3.  Some German analysts are talking over the few business areas which still  Those workers continue to show up and do their trade.

4.  The German police had a stressful weekend in trying to convince the public to stay home.  Warm weather attracted a lot of people to go to parks.  Even the threat of fines didn't really help much.

5.  Here in Wiesbaden over the weekend.....cops were called to a central park area where the 'drunks' hang out.  Report of twenty-five-odd people in a group.  A number of police arrived and a near-riot started up.  Cursing and insults were thrown at the police when they suggested the group break up.  Several individuals (in drunken states) had to be arrested/detained. 

What city police will admit is that over the past two weeks (since orders were issued), they've conducted almost 3,000 'audits' of business fronts and possible private parties.  Just over 300 violations were noted, with paperwork accomplished.  Just in playground violations (kids and teens).....almost 80 violations were noted. 

6.  There is some discussion going on within environmental channels about the improvement of air quality since the crisis started.  It's not just flight activity that rapidly's also cars and buses being used on much lesser scale. 

7.  In my local town of 285, number of infected is 149 (roughly 650 folks are doing self-quarantine because they came in contact with people and they think they might become infected).  Death total?  Four (all over 65 years old).

When you think about the numbers and compare against 285,'s a fairly low infection and death rate.  Why?  I would attribute it to schools being shut down, most people told to stay home, and high hygiene standards (even when shopping). 

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