Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The German 'Solution'

There's not a day over the past two weeks where German journalists have hyped the fact that Germany never reached the stages of the virus....like they had in Italy, France or Spain.  To be honest....a similar rate of infection and death rate....exists in Austria as well.

I would suggest six things which fell into play since the 'beginning':

1.  Doctors forbid patients with the virus from coming into their practice or clinic.  You called....they asked you questions, and then referred you to a meeting point in the region where the test was administratored.  If 'positive'....you were directed to stay home and if you got really bad-off.....then you were sent to a particular hospital with stringent rules (like no visitors).

2.  The social distancing game?  Germans went at this in a maximum fashion.  No matter where you went, people practiced it.

3.  Older folks were told in a direct fashion...not to allow visitors in the house (even grandkids).

4.  Everything did get shutdown.  You want a cup of coffee at the cafe?  You can get it and then leave the establishment.  No one sits in the company of others. Restaurants marginally exist (for pick-up only).  Even the bordellos were shutdown.  Bars were shut down....so your option is mostly to buy at the grocery and find some chair on your balcony to sit and sip off a beer.

5.  Travel has virtually halted.  Trying to fly out of the country is impossible.  Trying to find hotels that are open within the country....is near impossible.

6.  Socializing outside of the house?  Near impossible.  Germans will actually call the cops on you if they see you with five folks at some picnic table in the open.  Fines are established and the cops don't hesitate to cite you for bad or risky behavior.

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