Wednesday, April 15, 2020

What the Chancellor Says

Ok, the cards are finally on the table for the virus bans to be lifted.

1.  Starting this Monday (20th), shops with a sales area of ​​up to 800 square meters can be open, with 'strict' hygiene requirements. This wasn't absolutely clear but the word implies that masks will be a mandatory thing in public.

2.  Car dealers, bike dealers and bookstores can open regardless of their size.

3.  Barbershops and hairdressers will open on the 4th of May (with conditions required).

4.  Traveling on a train or bus?  You must have a mask.

5.  Cafes, bars and restaurants?  STILL closed, and no dates discussed.

6.  Schools can gradually open after 4 May.

People happy with this?  No.  The major electronic shops are all over 800 square they are still shutdown.  Airports and hotels?  Nothing mentioned. 

Where will the millions of masks come from?  Unknown.  I would make a guess in my village of 4,000.....probably less than a quarter of them presently have masks (I bought mine in mid-March). 

I think the hope is that this was the first step, and in two weeks.....additional steps occur.  A lot of folks were hoping on bars and pubs opening up.

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