Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Official: Oktoberfest is Cancelled


It was heavily discussed three weeks ago, with the brewery folks and political folks of Munich engaged on the topic.  Today, it was stamped final.....there will be no fest this year.

If you add it up....for the hotels, the fest people, the taxi folks, the catering crowd, the hookers, the bus companies.....it was a billion-plus Euro that came into the region.  Some go as high as 1.2 billion Euro.

The last time there was no fest?  1948.  The 1949 fest was a big deal....the re-start of the beer celebration.

What'll happen now?  I think everyone is pursuing the goal that 2021 must allow the fest to occur.

Behind all of these discussions....the loss of tax revenue?  I doubt if anyone openly talks about it, but it's a huge loss for the city, the state, and the federal revenue pot. 

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