Monday, April 13, 2020

Germany and the Coronavirus: 13 April 2020

1.  Deaths:   2.867. Infections:  124,242 (N-TV numbers).  Bavaria leads the way with 33,000 of the infections.  Mecklenburg (the state) has the least number of deaths at 11. 

2.  RKI folks (the experts in Germany at virus-control) say that the trend-line is now going downward.  Third day in a row with the trend.

3.  The Chancellor is supposed to have a meeting on Wednesday with the state Premier-Presidents (all sixteen) and perhaps discuss dumping some bans.  My humble view is that restaurants, pubs and cafes will open by the upcoming weekend, and workplace bans will be lessen (with masks required) by early next week.  Don't count on the border openings or airport bans to be lessen until mid-May. 

4.  Polling suggests that around 80-percent of Germans are going absolutely by the rules put into place.  Roughly 20-percent of Germans are violating various (if not all) of the rules.  Age plays into this....the younger the participant in the poll.....the more willing to violate the rules.

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