Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Germany and the Coronavirus: 14 April 2020

1.  Deaths:  2,994     Infections: 126,608 (Focus numbers).  Bremen, the city-state, is at the bottom of the list for infections with 485 (population: 547,000)

2.  The airline Condor and their 'deal'?  Gone.  The Polish airline LOT had the deal worked out about six months ago with a few details to be done.....but over the weekend, they said that the virus period had soured all of the travel plans they had, and Condor is left again for someone to pick up.  Right now?  For the remainder of 2020.....I see no one interested in the German airline.

3.  The Bavarian state police came out in force over the weekend, conducting 'audits' of restaurants, pubs and bars....citing roughly 10,000 customers or owners. 

4.  This anticipated Wednesday meeting between the Premier Presidents and the Chancellor will be a big deal toward reopening stores and business operations.  Nothing is certain, and it's likely to be a list of things that can open by next weekend, and a list of things requiring two or three months. 

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