Thursday, April 9, 2020

Germany and the Coronavirus: 9 April 2020

1.  Dead: 2,071.   Infected: 108,193 (Focus numbers).  Out of the Wiesbaden area, we are at 6 dead presently (most all over the age of 70), with 229 people infected (out of a population of 285,000).  Even I will admit it is a fairly low rate of transmission in the region.

If you go to any grocery, social distancing is practiced by everyone. 

2.  This morning (9th), there is chatter by the Health Minister (Spahn) that various barriers will be removed after the Easter weekend.  He's not saying everything will open immediately, but the path is now being cleared for some things to return to normal.  More to likely come by Sunday evening in direct announcements. 

3.  If you use the graphic over at Focus.....Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg, and the state of NRW....has probably 75-percent of the infections in Germany.

4.  Some experts are pointing out that since the restaurants have shut down.....the general public is having to cook this explains why canned goods, pasta and flour are on the high demand list at grocery shops.

5.  A summer without vacations?  For Germans, this is something that probably hasn't occurred since 1948.  Various journalists are bringing up the topic and asking how the public would handle this idea.  Presently, there is no chatter about open swimming pools, and it'd be another month before the outdoor pools would officially open.  Most pool experts do agree, with a strong dose of chlorine, you can have a pool with zero active Coronavirus.  But the idea of no exotic beach vacations in Thailand?

6.  The hyped-up purchase of toilet paper hitting a peak.  There's a couple of suggestions out there in the news that say that toilet paper is finally appearing on shelves, and not being bought at a hefty pace.  Course, for a lot of people.....they've got 200 rolls in the basement and it makes no sense to buy more. 

7.  Last night, video of the arrival of Germans at Frankfurt's Airport occurred....coming out of Australia and New Zealand. 

8.  Frankfurt is going to start up a Corona-test be used for retirement home visits.

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