Friday, April 3, 2020

Corona via Waste Water?

This story popped up late yesterday....more of a rumor than a fact at that point.  The story was....Corona had been noted in waste water.

I laughed over the story, and simply dug into this in the morning hours of today.  Fact or fiction?  Fact.

Some Dutch microbiologists did some samples around Amersfoort.  All they say is that in their samples of the waste water.....they can detect the virus. 

I'm guessing they were a bit shocked and repeated the experiment to ensure it was valid. 

So what they say (quote): "It is unlikely that the virus will spread through sewers or that people will become infected."

Maybe if you bathed in such waters, or sipped them with a slice of'd be a threat.  But no, it's not much of a threat. 

It begs a lot of questions and makes one wonder about Wuhan, and the sewer treatment there.  Then you throw up scenarios of third-world countries with marginal sewage capabilities, and wonder how thing would work there. 

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