Sunday, April 5, 2020

Church Chatter

A case is proceeding through the German court system.....mostly over a general ban involving church attendance.

Public services, if you review the general ban rules.....are allowed up to 50-odd people, with social distancing part of the 'game'.  Some authorities are saying that they will collect names and addresses of people at the front-door. 

So the Catholic Church has stood up and gotten lawyers....saying this is all 'disproportionate' (mostly in relationship to the attitude about grocery stores being open).

The court system?  They are simply hearing the case, and will ponder over it.  There aren't a lot of examples where bans on church business have occurred in the past (say the past years since WW II).  If you went back to the might find some bans, but you can't drag that out for court-chatter.

Looking at the situation....if I did run a church, I'd just go set up the event in an open field with a portable radio station deal, and have folks gather in fields or parks with a radio-set to hear the distancing from each other, and just avoid the structure of the church building.  Let the idiot authorities try to walk around a farm, field or park....trying to intimidate folks into giving names and addresses and see how much luck they have.

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