Thursday, April 30, 2020

Importance of 6th of May Meeting

There's a fairly big meeting of the national leadership (the Chancellor, the ministers, and the Premier-Presidents of the sixteen states).

The next list of changes or ban 'cuts' will be determined.  A lot of people are now hoping that hotels, pubs, restaurants and bars will be listed with some type of hygiene rules and allowed to open.

The decision on the Bundesliga (soccer leagues)?  Same meeting.  'Ghost' games (without fans in the stadiums) will likely be approved. 

The problem with several states working on different paces?  This continually gets brought up, and it's obvious that Merkel would like everyone on the same page.

The current re-infection rate?  Now down to .75.  Most virus experts are happy when it's anything below 1.

The talk of a 650 Euro check to college kids who lost their part-time jobs during this period?'s discussed as a 'loan', and you'd have to pay it back.  Some folks insisting that it be just a plain 'grant' of money.

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