Saturday, April 11, 2020

Germany and the Coronavirus: 11 April 2020

1.  Deaths:  2,071  Infected:  108.193 (Focus numbers).

2  There's a decent Focus story which talks over a US study.....pollution affecting the rate of extreme cases of the virus.  Perhaps explaining more of the Wuhan problem?  Maybe, it is highly noted for polluted air. 

3.  N-TV is reporting that if you smoke.....German studies can now conclude that your risk of infection is increased.

4.  German high court did come back and agree.....cities and states can ban church services. 

5.  German cities are now admitting financial losses on expected revenue, and looking toward the states and federal government to make up for the lost money. 

6.  There's a study out of Austria which basically says.....for every guy tested and deemed 'positive' on the virus.....there might be three other individuals having some 'mild'symptoms and just never go to the doctor or get tested....but they have the milder version of Corona.  This would cause you to pause and ponder over the affect to the general public.

7.  I sat and watched a news segment last night.  Older family members of a family had lost a senior-citizen member of the family.  After conferring with the German funeral home folks, the 'arrangement' had to be done in a particular way. 

They could arrange for the rental of the 'chapel' at the graveyard....that was not the problem.  But having guests arrive and sit in the chapel was a 'no-go'.  So they went for a smaller funeral with limited guests, with around 20 seats set up outside of the chapel (1.5 meters away from each other). 

The group then stood about 20 meters away from the burial groups in a safe distancing pattern.  As one spoke of the arrangements....'you do what you can do'. 

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