Sunday, April 5, 2020

Germany and the Coronavirus: 5 April 2020

1.  Deaths:   1,318.  Infected:  91,314  (Focus numbers).  States of Bavaria, NRW, and Baden-Wurttemberg lead on deaths and infections.

2.  Polling done on the idea of reporting violations of the public order.  Curiously.....the older the German, the more likely that they'd call the cops on neighbors or associates of violations.  The younger?  Very unlikely to call the cops.

3.  Police in Munich were awful busy yesterday in public areas.  Exceptional warm weather brought out tens of thousands in the city, and literally thousands of warnings were issued.  The coming week?  Same deal.  If these people aren't at work......they most likely will be in public parks.

4.  RKI says that more than 25,000 Germans have recovered from the virus.  Their model says that one infected person is now infecting one new person.....which in predicting the's at a positive point.

5.  In most all German age die at a higher rate than women. For the folks in their 80s.....out each five.....three are men.  In the age group of 70's....out of each ten, it's roughly 7 men to each 3 women.  Reason?  Nothing scientific. 

6.  Current death rate per infected?  1.3-percent for Germany.  1.4-percent for Austria.  Italy?  12.3-percent.  The US?  2.7-percent.

7.  Oktoberfest talks?  Well....yeah.  It hasn't been cancelled in roughly 70 years but right now in Munich....the breweries are having discussions.  There's a pretty strong indicator that it will NOT be held this year.  Disaster for Munich hotels and revenue?  Massive hit for them.  My humble guess is that a firm 'no' will occur by mid-May.  More problems ahead?  Well, typically in May and through September....German beer gardens would be open, and probably a quarter of the population would be occasionally sipping beer under a tent or canopy of trees in a social atmosphere.  The social bans would have to end....or these social occasions would have to end.  The breweries would need to cut back on production if this is the case.

8.  The state of Hessen changed the social rules.....picnics are allowed....along with sunbathing....just not in large groups.

9.  The German Foreign Ministry now says that they've been able to bring back 200,000 Germans who were 'stuck' overseas in their vacations.  Currently?  Still into the tens of thousands of people waiting for a 'seat'.  Government funding being used in a lot of these cases. 

10.  Normally around the Easter period....a lot of German motorcycle enthusiasts would head off for the extra long weekend.  Some authorities trying to discourage this.  With the weather as it is.....I don't see the authorities having much luck.

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