Friday, July 21, 2023

Eight German News Stories

 1.  I sat and looked at the 14-day forecast (Wiesbaden region).  Temperatures?  Nothing above 25 C (77 F)....light showers anticipated on eight of the days.  Most moderate summer I've seen for the region....ever.   I will admit...everything is awful dry and my yard is mostly dead at this point.  Just odd.

That AC unit I bought in 2018?  It just sits there.  I've cranked it up for about three days of the summer so far.  

2.  Yeah, about that loose female lion.....police in the Berlin region are saying they 'think' they are getting closer to discovering the whereabouts of the lion, but it's still free.  

The public is still being told not to be outdoors much.

3.  Political polling I noticed....Green Party at 13-percent....lowest position of past five years.

4.  German Health Minister went and did a critical social media message....saying the heat in Italy would make it a very undesirable place to visit in the future.  This triggered an angry response by the Italian Tourism Minister.  

5.  WELT story: around 20-percent of all Germans in a poll....admit they are somewhat polarized on various topics, and not able to see or agree with other people.  Oddly enough, a majority of these people are noted to be urban-folks, or highly intellectual.  

6.  Some chatter starting up that the SPD Party wants to make a compulsory social service in Germany.  It's not in the agreement for the coalition, so it's a question if the FDP and Greens would agree to this. 

Basic idea....if you forced this upon young people....they'd be more connected to society.  Potential to be challenged in court?  Yeah.

7.  Just odd....on this lion episode in Berlin.....the 'boss' of the Remmo crime clan has publicly said he wants the lion safely caught, and there is some suggestion (whether true or not) that he's asked his people to help in the search.  The guy is actually noted for being pro-big-cat.

8.  Another German mandate coming around.....forced upon grocery operations to use HALF as much plastic wrapping for products sold by 2027.  

I would just offer that you see a lot of products (Apples for example) sold in a plastic bundle of six.  Lately, I've noted they switched to a paper bundle (probably will draw negative attention as well).   

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