Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Six German News Stories

 1.  I sat and watched a YouTube episode yesterday.....French school class....seemed to be kids in the 16 to 17 year old group.  I'd suggest 60-percent being French-French, and the rest being ethnically-non-French (might be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation French).

So the moderator asked the kids....how many of you do not 'feel' French?  Almost every single kid from the ethnically-non-French group raised their hands.  

This was taped back two months ago....so it has nothing to do with the current crisis in France.  

There's a problem here, but it's probably too late to really decide upon the 'fix'.  

2.  INSA did a political poll....AfD went up another point....to 21-percent of the public supporting them.  SPD?  Losing a point since the last poll done....down to 19-percent.  

Where this increases really come from?  I would suggest the SPD-led coalition has been mostly stumbling around, cranking up poorly thought-up legislation, with the public TV folks failing to convince the public of a great 'message/brand'.  The public reacts in some negative way, and gets the idea to 'send-a-message' by supporting the AfD Party.  I'd even go as far to suggest that almost half of the AfD support is not based on AfD 'brand' or agenda items....it's simply an opposition position to take.

3.  Some weird episode in Würzburg (from Friday evening) on the Barbarossaplatz area.  Cops were called....guy walking around with a knife. They arrived before he'd harmed anyone.

Based on the video (I watched a couple of times)....I'd say the guy was drugged-up.  He wore some type of Middle-Eastern garb.  

 Cops instructed him to put the knife down and kept their distance.  At some point (they were still keeping a distance and ready to shoot the guy if necessary)....some older Asian imbis owner jumped the confused guy from the rear....then cops rushed up to hand-cuff him.

4.  The heat-pump law is generally expected to pass via the Bundestag by Friday afternoon.  Looking at reviews....most everyone expects immediate challenges to occur via court, and several parts of the law to be deemed (probably in six to twelve months) unworkable.  

5.  There's an interesting piece in WELT this AM....by Jan Alexander Casper....talking over the CDU Party and what direction they need to take.  Throughout the Merkel era....she pushed the CDU Party to be 'center-center'....NOT a right-of-center political party. 

In some ways, I'll admit it harmed the SPD agenda a good bit.....but put good numbers up for the CDU.  Casper goes and suggests it's time to cut the AfD support....by making the CDU what they were originally designed to be (right-of-center).  

The key issue I see?  There's a whole group of individuals within the CDU Party who prefer the 'center-center' format/positions, and they won't accept reverting back to right-of-center positions.

6.  There was an odd report I observed on N-TV this AM.  In the state of Mecklenburg (eastern Germany)....the Abi-tests were wrapping up in schools.  For the state, the math test was deemed a serious issue....to the degree that state officials stepped in and had to 'give' away an extra point....to reset the issues.

What you needed to officially 'pass'?  Five points or better....the general score average was 4.2.

What is the blame angle?  Well...one thing is remarked upon....a number of folks felt the amount of time given for analysis was too short.  Covid?  Yeah, the continued damage from the Covid-era is discussed as well.

Something new in giving 'extra' points?  No....2021....they actually gave two points that year.  

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