Sunday, July 23, 2023

Four German News Stories

 1.  Is there a push to advertise Berlin as the 2036 Olympics location?

Well....yeah.  They want to make a presentation that they've recovered from the 1936 Nazi era. 

If you asked me about opposition to this?  I think around one-third of the city population would say there are better things to invest money into and being a Olympics location should not be a priority. 

2.  Political polling?  ARD (public TV, Channel 1) checked national polling.  For the coalition (SPD-Green-FDP), if you held an election...their combined numbers would be roughly 38-percent (not enough to have a coalition with these three).  

3.  Lot of chatter starting up over border controls, and limiting entry into Germany.  I'll just say that if you went back to real'd probably have to go and hire over 20,000 folks for the job.  The odds that you'd have to hire a abundance of 'new' Germans for the job?  Well....yeah, that probably would be the outcome.

4.  There are now 840,000 RV motorhomes in Germany....with 100,000 added yearly.  Crisis stage for parking them?  Yeah.  Most people don't have ample room on their property for such a large vehicle.  So this is starting to be discussed how to handle an approaching crisis.

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