Friday, July 14, 2023

Three Odd Things I Noticed This Week

 First, a German lipstick company had a new ad that appeared on commercial German TV...featuring a thin-model lady, a hefty-lady, and a feminine-looking guy.  

The idea was....they were branding to sell to virtually anyone....even guys.

A new German trend? just don't know.  If you were asking me personally....there might be three-thousand guys across Germany who might be drawn to something like this.  

Second, there's this one TV analyst for N-TV who was interviewed and made an odd 'judgement'.  He said something to the effect that Russian Army is one single defeat away from staging another coup.....with or without Prigozhin's help.  

Basically, whatever positive charm that the war had for's gone, and people are just waiting for one crucial problem.

Third, last night on the late ARD (Channel 1, public TV) news....they interviewed a Last Generation activist.  

There were a couple of pointed questions and I'll give some credit to the ARD journalist.  

At some point, the journalist pointed out that from the general population....there wasn't any shift to the 'cause' going on, and the activist gave the general 'chatter'....this demonstration business is the only way to get people's attention.

At some point, I wanted to mute the TV (I couldn't because the wife held the remote control).  As much as the journalist did work to give the message or 'brand''s just not going to sell to the typical working-class German.  In some ways, it just felt like propaganda or a 'lecture'. 

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