Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Three German News Stories

1.  I noted a piece off Focus this AM.....there's a general progression to the fall 2025 German national election.  The CDU Party's chief (Merz) has made a speech and 'warned' in some way....his chief opponent within the party (deemed to be NRW's Premier President....Wust) not to get tangled up in opposing him.  

How this plays?  There's various elements of the CDU Party which are attached to Merkel and see Merz as a lesser candidate (suggesting he's not as intellectual or center-center on agenda items).  

Presently with the polls?  The CDU/CSU folks are easily in the lead...maybe 12 points ahead of the SPD.  

2.  I noticed a brief item off Focus....talking about nudity on your balcony.  In these hot times (this weekend will bring back the 34 C temperatures).....there are regulations about being nude on your balcony, and German law can be enforced (meaning a citation by police at your door, and a misdemeanor charge). 

3.  Frankfurt city court wrapping up a case over corruption in a school cleaning contract.  Former city employee given a 3-year sentence for accepting bribes in the contract business.  

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