Saturday, July 1, 2023


 1.  I noticed off Focus this AM....fair amount of chatter over the Bundestag effort to push the new heat regulation (called 'Building Energy Act'.....'AEG'.  As much as criticism is being laid out against it....there's also a EU effort going on to change the wording on heating instruments.  It's worth reading.

The one thing tends to always be missed on a general cost estimate to how the EU and Bundestag situation will influence various homes.

2.  I noticed a curious piece out of Austria two days ago.  A couple had a 'hole' being dug on their property for a heat-pump.  This was the type of 100 meter hole that you'd bring cool air up during summer months.  Drilling crew got around 90 meters down and hit some 'pocket' of gas/water, and some blow-out occurred.  Sent a massive flow of water up.  After they closed off the water hole.....then they checked natural gas and found enough to evacuate everyone in the neighborhood.  No one says much about the heat pump project continuing.  

3.  There's a warning being put out in watch for a Asian hornet.  If you see any hint in your are supposed to call the authorities.

4.  1,300 people arrested in France from past evening police action for riot action.

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