Thursday, July 20, 2023

Four German News Stories

 1.  My local weather for 5 AM tomorrow?  11 C (51 F).  Max for tomorrow?  20 C (68 F).  All this hot stuff around the Med?  It's there...not here in the central Germany region. I'd say it's the most moderate summer of the past 20 years.  Drought-wise?  Yesterday came a brief rain (about 20 minutes).....which was the 3rd time of any amount of rainfall in the past 120 days.  It is exceptionally dry....that much I will admit.  

2.  N-Tv had a piece this AM.....apparently some camera set up in the woods between Brandenburg and Berlin....had a picture of what appears to be a female lion taken in the past couple of days.  Police have put out some type of warning.  

They've checked circus companies and far, no one admits losing a lion.  My humble guess is that someone has a private and unlicensed lion situation, and she got they don't want to admit the situation.

Footnote: some local Berlin driver saw a lion 'munching' on a wild boar....which started this effort to photograph the creature.

3.  It's not a five-star emergency yet, but both beer companies and bottled-water companies are starting to complain about a glass bottle shortage going on.

What you have going companies, because of cost to manufacture....cut back on production.  At the time, consumer companies thought they had an adequate number to 'get by'.  Well....this only works if people wrap up a case of glass products, and turn them in ASAP to the local beverage shop or grocery.  Most Germans will sit and wait until they have four or five custons in the basement....then haul them to turn in.  

What the pricing went trigger this?  140-percent up from the 2021 price to make a bottle.

4.  Intense discussion going on about having national rules on temperature situations in schools....where it's too hot, and they have to release students.

For the won't find any classrooms around the country with AC units.

Some PhD folks have done a study and say the ideal learning temperature is 21C.

States all have a differing view of this....some say as the temp hit 27 have to offer classroom instruction outside (I would assume under trees).  

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