Thursday, July 27, 2023

Five German News Stories

 1.  This freighter off the northern coast of Germany....on fire....has turned into the top topic.  Fire started via a E-car.

Fear?  There was speculation last night that at some point....the ship will sink, and trigger a catastrophic eco-disaster.  This brought up a whole segment about the odd factor of E-cars catching on fire (I see this noted in German newspapers at least once a month).

Under control?  No, still burning and some speculation that it could burn for three more days.

2.  Forsa did a survey for WELT....suggesting that a third of Germans now see the biggest problem....politicians and parties.  

I would suggest the 'Jesus-factor' at work, where the politicians have taken to news media to say they can solve all problem, and the message reaches a confusing state where people want to believe but can't seem to find 'trust'.

3.  More evacuations in Greece on several islands....because of fires.

4.  Lab results of hair found on trail....concludes the suspected 'lion-in-Brandenburg' was really a wild boar.  End of story....period.

5.  My regional (Wiesbaden) weather forecast for next 14 days?  Nothing above 24 C (75 F), and almost rain every single day.  My AC unit for this summer?  It's been turned on a total of 4 days.  

I would suggest this being the most moderate summer in decades.  Yesterday, I noted people mostly in slacks (no shorts), and wearing jackets.  Today, it's supposed to reach a max of 20 C (68 F).  

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