Sunday, July 2, 2023

Why The Demographics of France Matters

 The population of France, if you didn't grasp around 68,000,000.  Some French will argue that around 1-to-1.5 million uncounted migrants are also in the mix....but you can't really prove this suggestion.  

I should note from this 68-million number....2.7-million French people live beyond the border....across the globe.  

Statistically, France has this one odd factor....every three years, it's able to add around one-million people to the population, but I should note....this is mostly not by birth purposes.  This is by asylum and migration.  The current birth-rate?  1.83 per woman (better than Germany and the US, in case you were wondering).  

The breakdown of white, blacks, etc?  Well....such numbers do not exist.  France made up a law that says you can't count by religion, ethnic background, etc.  The law dates back to the 1870s, and is more or less....'untouchable'.  

French people perceiving a 'problem'?  You can go back for a hundred years and find that a segment of French population thinks there is a migration problem.  The National Front party?  In most of the recent anti-migrant agenda progresses.....the NF folks tend to get around one-fifth of the national vote, and when you get to a final election....they can usually get around one-third of the national vote.

I should note as each election wraps up....there's an event or two over the next five years which drives more French people to seek a National Front-type agenda.  At some point, probably ten to twenty years in the future, one might expect a right-wing government to form, and a fair amount of chaos to occur for a five-year period.  

The 1870s law preventing a demographic image being presented?  I would imagine if you gathered up a hundred French people and asked if this is a remarkable problem and hinders reality....most of the hundred would agree, but the law remains on the books.   

Racism existing in France? would you establish this....without racial data?  The government in one doing itself a favor and refusing to suggest an issue.  If you have no racial numbers....there's no racism (makes perfect sense). 

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