Friday, July 14, 2023

Two Things

 1.  RTL (commercial German TV) did a poll with Germans and how they feel about the Chancellor.  64-percent said they weren't happy....only around 34-percent they were happy.

Oddly, if you go back to March of was around 60-percent happy with the trend is pretty harsh and negative.

Scandals?  None.  Fumbling around on speeches?  No.  Sick or ill?  No.  If you were looking for leadership skills or convincing the public of things....there's most of the negativity that you can direct toward Scholz.  

It doesn't change anything, but I would imagine the SPD Party is reviewing options for 2025's national election.  Scholz is probably going to moved out in that election.

2.  There's a 'fund' at the EU for Covid-recovery....of about 700-billion Euro.  There was supposed to be a open and transparent way of seeing how the money was spent.  I watched N-TV news this AM, and this matter came up.  So far....the committee at the EU has not published a listing of the spent money, and some folks are now asking questions.  

Obviously, money is being spent...somewhere.

The EU even wrote a rule....twice a year, they were supposed to publish a list of the top hundred expenditures.  

Why avoiding the transparency?  Anyone's might assume that there's some questions and they'd prefer not to admit that.

I did of the folks spending the money....located in Italy, wanted to modernize soccer stadiums around the country.  I suspect if you asked everyone....most countries had soccer stadiums, swimming pools, and city parks getting a big chunk of money.

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