Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Seven German News Stories

 1.  Curious piece from the Finanzamt (Finance Ministery)....the boss there 'retired' (fired) four of the division chiefs....saying he needs fresh prospective.  

2.  The Bundestag is trying to write a mandate/regulation....on euthanasia.  A lot of disagreement about what to leave in, or take out.

3.  Cops now say from the car that drove into the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin....based on witness comments....the car was at 200 kilometers per hour when it hit.  Guy is dead....no details on why it occurred this way.  Damage to the Gate?  Yes...some.  

4.  Hart Aber Fair public forum show ran last night on ARD (public TV, Channel One).  Topic?  Immigration.  Interesting fact: 11.8 million non-Germans live in Germany. 8.4 million of them....have been here more than five years.

I will say that it was a interesting show....balanced....elements of left/right political spectrum there.  A lot of talk over the job sector and shortages on manpower.  One blunt point laid out....you could arrive in Germany with a certificate of accomplishment in some field of value, and the German system isn't capable of blessing that....instead, they want the person to repeat the same valued certificate under the German umbrella.  This discourages people from applying.

No doubt that the current shortages in manpower can only be filled by immigrants....it's just that you can't mandate this in some easy or efficient way.

5.  The head of the German Medical Association said in a statement....the time has come to lessen/cut the mandate for the Covid mask to be worn at all times in clinics/hospitals.  

6.  Odd crime in the state of NRW....Syrian immigrant (27 years old) ran up onto some 16-year-old girl at a railway platform....pushing her onto the tracks, and jumping on top of her for a few seconds...then climbed back up. He then claimly walked to a nearby train to leave.   Zero indication that he even knew her. 

Altana station.  Two people standing there...pulled the girl up safely.  Cops came for the Syrian....taking him to a local mental ward for examination.  

7.  Another crime story from Neustadt an der Waldnaab....cops got into an investigation on two thirteen year old German boys....plotting some kind of attack with home-made explosives.

Detention occurred, and both 'lads' were sent to a mental clinic for examination.  

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