Sunday, January 15, 2023

'Ship of Fools' Commentary

 I was reading through a German commentary today...mostly over the activists and current demonstration going on in the NW of Germany.  They used the phrase 'ship of fools' in the content.

'Ship of fools'....for those who aren't into ancient 'commentary....was a piece written by Plato (Book IV), and had to deal with the willing nature of some people getting on a ship with a dysfunctional crew....led by a Captain who really didn't have the skills to be in charge.  

The idea in using the story?  Mostly to describe how people (not on a ship) can sign up for 'saving' or 'lifestyle'....with politics run by a incompetent group, and led by a fake leader.  

The journalist using the phrase?  I would imagine they look at the activist business, and political reality in a lost cause. 

Just because you vote for the Green Party....doesn't mean you get some 'saving' power from the evil capitalism or prevention of some great 'evil'.  It's also a fact that when you imagine evil capitalism....that it might not translate into something that the broad society can buy into.  

If you add up the numbers presently between the Greens, Linke Party and SPD....across German society....they number around 40-percent of the national vote.  The opposition?  Sixty-percent of society.  And to be truthful....from the SPD Party....there's probably a quarter of them who aren't that thrilled with their position to the left of the spectrum.

The one odd factor playing out in this coal protest movement is the war effect on energy, with the closure of the nuke electrical cost presently is probably double of what it was a year ago, and there's a huge dependence on coal plants running.  The protest movement might have 'caught' fire two years ago on this topic, but just aren't going to attract a lot of working-class Germans.

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