Wednesday, January 11, 2023

My 'Root Of All Evil' Take On The Silvester Fireworks Stuff In Berlin

This is a essay to talk over the massive fireworks problems in various high-density cities in Germany on Silvester.  Oddly enough....we are now eleven days into the new year, and this  is still a top five news story.

If you go and walk around any of the top ten cities in Germany today....compared to the would arrive at three significant factors in play.  First, there's more of a migrant/immigrant number now....than forty years ago.  Oddly enough, because of jobs....they flowed toward the more populated cities of Germany.   

Second, if you attempted to measure respect for authority (not just the police or judges, but to include firemen or ambulance crew)'s presently dismal.  

Third, you see an attitude of 'lets-see-how-much-we-can-get-away-with'.  

 Some  of this involves the use of alcohol (for courage)....probably some use of Cannabis as well.  

I'd also say it's not a vast majority of immigrants/migrants....there are Germans in the mix.  But it's an odd group....some are second or third generation Germans who grew up in the system....are full-up Germans....integrated to the maximum degree, and still fall into the idea of 'root of all evil' discussion.

You could make the case that the legal system has tried to lessen application of the law enough.....that the prosecution and judicial folks aren't that keen to 'send' people off to jail.

It is odd that when you have police sit and gave talks over's 99-percent males in the mix.  It's just awful rare that you find German females or migrant some 'bad-boy' situation.

As for what will happen in Silvester 2023?  I'm already predicting zero fireworks in most German states, and alcohol sales shut down for the day unless you are in a pub or bar for the celebration.  I might even go and predict pretty harsh application of the law....with retired judges brought in to handle cases as quickly as possible.  

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