Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Pot-Hole Story

 In my earlier of my many jobs was pot-hole-fixer.  Sarge and 'Little Joe' took me on a full-day of pot-hole fixing (Rhein Main AB outside of Frankfurt) in orientate me.  

To be honest about pot-hole fixing....there is a science to it, but it amounts to about enough information to put on four 3 x 5 inch index cards.  On the rocket-science's a two at the very most, and you pick up the vast amount of knowledge in a couple hours.  

I sat and viewed the German public TV news (via HR) on TV today, and there is a major shortage of trained technicians for the the skill of fixing pot-holes.  There aren't enough people around, and the pot-hole fixing is way behind schedule for the state of Hessen.

I pondered over this.  It's one of the few professions that you could take a non-German into and train in a matter of an hour or two.  I'll's not a pleasurable job....especially in winter periods.  I'll also admit that you get the scent of tar in your noise after a whole day of this type of work.

On the BS level....I'm of the mind someone is making up the shortage story, unless the Germans got all technical and regulated it to six months of training.  


Wrench said... said you needed a hobby. Fix a few potholes and get paid for it.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I would imagine there's four months of training today, and a certification required (with a test) to be a pot-hole filler in Germany. My interest dwindles if you regulate to this degree.