Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Seven German News Stories

 1. The Davos business continues on this week.  I would suggest that 90-percent of Germans have zero to marginal interest.  It's mostly a chance for rich/politicized people to spend hundreds of thousands of Swiss Francs on a hyped-up lifestyle, and BS with like-minded rich/politicized people.

2.  A finally tally of attacks on firemen/ambulance crews was added up for Silvester here in Germany.  It's around 280 'attacks' throughout the nation.  Most all were in highly urbanized cities.

3.  Via WELT, it's laid out that the new Defense Minister (Boris Pistorus) wasn't on the Chancellor Scholz primary list of picks.  No one is saying what occurred.....could be that the top five candidates were called and said 'no' to the job offer.  

One of the odd comments about the pick....cabinet positions 'owned' by the SPD Party are supposed to be split 50-50 (male-female), and some people believe as the out-going Defense Minister was a woman.....they should have picked a woman as the new incoming minister.

4.  The Health Minister has said now that Covid 'measures' will mostly all end by 7 April.  He's careful not to say it's ended completely.  I should note, via the Maischberger public forum show last of the CDU Party guests predicted that the Health Minister is the next one to exit/resign.  

5.  Odd piece in WELT.....some Brit company analyzed German cities, to announce a 'niceness' scale.  It just sounds like a lot of BS.  At the bottom of the niceness scale....was Berlin.  At the top?  Ruhr Valley area and Saxony region.  

I would question how you build some survey to reach a points situation on being nice.  However, if it was me grading around almost all major cities, I'd be giving them dismal scores.  It's typically in villages of 2,000 people or less, where Germans seem extra nice.   

6.  RBB (the Berlin public TV network) has spent around one-million Euro on legal costs over the past year....since their internal scandal started up.  Their own journalists are reporting the amount and fairly critical of the whole mess.

7.  Drug bust in Hanau region.  Cops say up above the ceiling of the structure....six-million Euro in cash was found.  

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