Sunday, June 4, 2017

Redistribution Story

About three years ago, I chatted about the topic of 'unfairness' generated by Hessen, Bavaria and B-W in sending tax revenue to Berlin, but NOT getting what they believed was a fair return on that money (a lot of this went to lesser states of Germany who did not make the level of commercial sales).

Now, if you follow the German have the same developing mentality in North Rhineland Westphalia (NRW, a state to the nw of Germany).

In this case, you have a number of very successful municipalities which have active business profits and taxation, and those communities must share the wealth of the state with communities which have limited profit.

It's an interesting article by WDR.

The communities are appealing to the new government of the CDU and FDP to figure out a better way of handling this issue.  Of course, the only end-result can be keeping at the same level, or screwing the lesser communities by cutting their pay-out.

In some ways, it simply demonstrates how people got smart, figured out the script of the 'opera', and realize there is a fairness or unfairness scale to all of these government efforts and 'gifts'.

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