Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Bahn Ticket

Back in the 1990s....the German rail system (the Bahn) had this fantastic weekend ticket called the "Schone-Wochenende-Ticket (SWT)".   For an entire weekend, you could travel via the railway for around 15 Deutsche Marks (roughly $7.50 US).  The neat part of the deal was that you could take four friends or family members with you. 

Like a lot of Bahn programs, they run their cycle and get retired or replaced.  I noticed via Bahn news yesterday that they brought back up the topic, and intend by summer of run this ticket once again.  Price now?  44 Euro (roughly 50 US dollars).  Yes, cost has gone dramatically up if you compare against the 1995 cost.

How you can use the ticket?  Well....arising at 6 AM on a can board some train in Kaiserslautern, and head off to consume beer and be entertained for a brief 24 hours in Bavaria, and then by Sunday evening.....return home. 

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