Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Swinging Axe Story

If you go three hours NE of Wiesbaden.....while still in the state of Hessen, you will eventually come to Witzenhausen (a town of 15,000 residents). 

The Christmas market business opened up this past week, and over the weekend.....they had this fairly chaotic event happen.

At some point, Saturday evening around 10:30 PM.....a drunk Libyan migrant came upon the market area where folks were drinking Gluhwein and partying.  The 38-year old?  Well....he had a hand-axe in his hand....waving it around, and shouting out 'God is great' in Arabic. 

As you can imagine, this freaked out Germans big-time.

They call the cops and it takes a few minutes for them to arrive.  Some folks had watched the guy (he never swung at or hurt anyone.  After he'd stepped through the market.....he got on a bike and rode off.   Cops got a description and knew the direction he was going.

The drunk guy ended back at some apartment, where the cops soon arrived and arrested him.

Charges?  Unknown.  He was detained for a number of hours, and I suspect he'll have to appear in front of some judge.  The hand-axe?  He'll probably have to hand that over to the cops. 

The problem here is that Germans look at situations like this.....perceive some threat, and then start to be reactionary.  You can't blame them.  In this case?  The drunk Libyan may have done some drunken joke and didn't realize how far it would go or how it'd be perceived.  The odds that more cops will be deployed in this village Christmas market area?  I'd bet you see it tripled over the next weekend or two....to reassure the public of safety.

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