Saturday, December 8, 2018

If Things Weren't Bad Enough in France

One of the oddball things which came out toward the end of the week in France.....was the re-establishment of mandatory service to the country. A 'kinder and gentler' draft.

Here's the big extends down to age 16.  Yeah, you can guess how that sold over to the 'punks'.  Total negative.  I sat and watched several clips.....extremely negative attitude.

The basis of the return?  To bring national unity back into society, and to have people ready to go, if some civic emergency were to occur.

What makes this one different from the past? affects girls just as much as boys. 

There would be two stages to this.  Stage one is a mandatory 30-day period of 'placement' (not fully explained). 

My guess is that they want to dump you off with some local charity operation and you have to show up daily to get your credit on the 30-day business.  This could also include operations with the police, the fire department, conservation and forestry folks, etc.

Stage two (probably two or three years later), would be voluntary and involve three to twelve months.  The suggestion is that you'd do basically the same thing as in stage one....just longer periods.

From what I can observe, it really isn't being taken well by the youth.  They won't cooperate and you will end up with fairly aggressive kids who won't agree to go to stage one or two.  A bigger mess?  If you have half the 16-year olds in the country who thumb their nose at'll be taken as a joke. Macron's planning staff really screwed up on this, from a timing point of view. 

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