Sunday, December 30, 2018

Hannover Story

A curious piece from Hannover (last night, Saturday)....some young guy (age: 21)....somehow got through the entry point of the airport there, and drove out onto the ramp/aircraft parking area.

This basically shutdown the entire airport for an hour or two while the cops chased this guy down, apprehended him and then ensured there weren't any other idiots out there.

What the cops say today?  If you follow NDR (regional public TV).....they say the guy was all doped up (cocaine and 'uppers').  Charges?  No one says much but I would bet on a couple of severe charges.  At the very least....he's going to lose his license for a year.  There's probably enough there for a full-year in some regional jail.

Terrorist act?  No.  But I'm guessing that the cops weren't sure when this report came in and they started to look for this guy on the ramp area.

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