Wednesday, December 12, 2018

This French Terrorist

Front-page news right now at noon across Germany, is this Christmas market attack in France from last night (8 PM).  Focus (the German news magazine) talks about the guy in question.....still on the run.

29 years old.  Arrested before on theft.  Was born in the 1989 in Strasbourg, France.  Has been convicted on both sides of the border (Germany and France) for robbery. The last time, sentenced 27 months of prison in Germany.  Released/deported back to France at the conclusion.

Zero apprentice occupation.  Officially, the government says that the guy (29 years old) has not worked since 2011 (seven years without a job).  Then oddly, they say he 'travels a lot' but not explaining how or why.  Drug courier?  You get some impression that he was connected to some mafia group....either robbing, fencing goods, or handing drug activity.

At some point, he was in the Mainz area back in 2012 and was caught breaking and entering into a dentist office, with DNA evidence being the connector to say he was in the break-in situation.  Most of this period between 2011 and 2016....was spent in various prisons.

On the run with his brother?  Well.....this is now suggested by a German press group.  It's suggested that both are in some Strasbourg Islamic group.

The odds of a drug test on the guy and showing something?  I'd suggest it's a 99-percent, but the odds are that both brothers will not come out of this alive. 

So after you read everything, he fits the mold of most all prior terror figures....losers in life, no occupations, no worthwhile family life....just wakes up one day on some terror deal....hypes up on some good drugs and uses the religion angle to wipe his bad-boy slate out. 

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