Thursday, December 13, 2018

Diesel Chatter Today

It's a page two story that came out today, and probably scared the crap out of the Bundestag, all diesel drivers, and sets up one of the major confrontations of 2019.  I'll reference most of this story back to N-TV news (our commercial German news network).

The EU Court stood up and said today.....that cites can have absolute bans on even the latest and newest diesel cars that exist throughout the 28 countries. 

What was going on?  The EU was trying slip in a 'understanding' (not a law) that would have allowed higher nitric oxide irritant situations to be 'ok'.  The court said no.....that was not the intent of the original you can't do that.  In saying this.....they went and discussed that cities can ban just about any vehicle they want, and it's not just diesel cars.....they could ban gas cars.

But in this matter....they basically handed the mess back to the EU and said....write a different law.  They gave them 12 months.

Creating a bigger mess?  The EU election in May was supposed to be a mild affair, and not invoke any stress on people to think about who they were voting for.  It's possible now.....some parties (not just in Germany).....might pick a pro-diesel slant, and get tens of millions of votes strictly on the diesel matter.

If all diesel cars (including the newer version '6' cars) were included in the forbidden list?  All of this would bring Merkel's coalition around to answer questions....which they will offer the's the EU's fault...not theirs. 

But lets return to the EU election.  Could you have a major election that is based mostly off diesel feelings?  A year ago, people would have laughed at this idea.  And then you get into the compensation issue....who will pay the consumer for his 'woes'? 

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