Monday, December 31, 2018

Robbery Story

My village is a fairly small situation....maybe 4,000 people, around four miles outside of Wiesbaden (we are still considered part of the city, as a suburb).

This morning, pretty much everything around the entire city and our village is on short hours because tomorrow is New Year's Day.  The bakery, the grocery, and the post office in the village would open early and be shutdown by 1 PM. some point around 8:30 AM, some guy strolled into the post office and pulled a pistol on the lady that runs it.  He makes off with a couple thousand Euro (so the cops say). Cops reacted and searched through the village.  Nothing.

He basically walked away.

This is the harsh reality about crime in Germany.  It used to be that you never saw any at all.  You could exist in some town and there might only be one car stolen per every five years.  Four years ago in my village....we had six cars stolen in a 12-month period...shocking the locals to a great extent.  This is a situation that most simply can't comprehend. 

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