Tuesday, December 18, 2018

How to Waste Money

Last night, I sat and watched a German news documentary piece....several stories laid out....but one in particular caught my eye.

The German government decided with much argument.....by various political parties.....that German authorities really needed a secure facility at some airport....to hold soon-to-be-deported immigrants.

Hours and hours were wasted as the Bavarian CSU Party chief in the Bundestag made his pitch.  Eventually, it was agreed upon.  There would be a facility put up at the Munich Airport.  So these guys went to bargain around with the airport for a facility to house such people.  What the airport offered? 

It was a aircraft hanger.  Yes, one of those larger sized hangers.  So they moved in cube-like steel buildings....put security fencing around it and you had a overly LARGE compound to hold about twenty folks.

Cost?  Well....Focus (the German news magazine) got around to that detail today....420,000 Euro a month.  Right now....there's two guys in the facility waiting to be deported.  That's it. 

You could have gone out to some farm field and rented a two-acre site for less than a 1,000 Euro a month.  Why they had to be there instead of a jail?  Well....the opposition parties said it wasn't optically good to show them in jail. 

So in a year, they are spending near 5-million Euro for this one single operation.  It's a tremendous amount of waste, but this is how stupid the Merkel-coalition has become over the past decade.

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