Friday, December 28, 2018

Phobia Story

Once in a while, I'll be reading German news pieces and notice a humorous this is a story over a German driver and a phobia condition.  HR, my local Hessen public TV network, reports the basis of the story.

About an hour's drive NE of Frankfurt, along Autobahn 66....right as you get to Neuhoff, is this 1.6 kilometer tunnel.  You find a fair number of tunnels in Germany.  Sometimes, they drill their way through a mountain....sometimes, they drill under a highly urbanized city area to have a quick and quiet access situation. 

So this woman (31 years old) drove up....noticed the tunnel ahead of her, and pulled over on the side of the autobahn.  Her issue?  Tunnel-phobia.  Yes.....fear of tunnels.

Cops got called and eventually helped to guide her back to some exit and drive 'around' the tunnel area.  Apparently, the woman was hyped up and needed a tranquilizer after this 'terrible' experience. 

The cops?  They sat down and wrote up the report, and recommended that a review occur with her license, and possibly dismissing her license.

Within a twenty mile radius of my house, I'd take a guess that at least ten tunnels exist.  It's part of your routine to just not question the existence of these.  How'd this lady get this far in life?  Probably with a map laid out and marking each road with tunnels and avoiding them.  My guess is that some review of the license will occur, and either she seeks professional care to get over this phobia, or she loses the license.   

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