Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What Drove the French Riots in Reality

Focus (the German news magazine) picked up the pieces of this French story which has been missed over the past five or six weeks by most journalists.

Somewhere in the south of France, near Brittany....a 51-year old female hypnotherapist got fairly hyped up over taxation and the Macron she went and created a 4:38 second video of her anger over the upcoming diesel/gas tax increase.

The video went out over Facebook and Youtube.  She notes the rural nature of her village and the conditions of which they have to put up with.....being mostly unfair but they live with it.  The new taxes?  No....they didn't want to live with that. 

What Focus points out.....this video got national attention and convinced a large segment of society to come out and riot against the taxation increase.  As of yesterday, the taxation is suspended (six months) and it will likely bring great harm to the EU election in France if it's not cancelled.

So what you have to wonder now.....that one single person could make a blunt statement of only five minutes and create a wave of anger that shakes the foundation of government existing in France. 

The question to Madam Jacline Mouraud finished....or is she just starting? 

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