Sunday, December 2, 2018

The IRA Suggestion

As we approach this CDU Party 'chief' internal election, Friedrich Merz has put one curious item on the table in the last day or two.....the suggestion of a IRA-type situation for Germans.  I'll reference this via a ARD (German public TV, Channel One) article

There are a lot of key things that you notice after a couple of years in Germany....but the missing IRA-type deal is one that pops up if you work for a German company. 

On the list of 500 desires by the average working-class German?  No.  You can prioritize and ask folks about what their wishes and desires are, and a IRA-type program wouldn't typically come up.  Most would say that they are already heavily taxed and there's just not that much money left that they could go and invest.  On this, I would agree.  You take out your income tax, your health insurance cost, your church tax, then your rent/mortgage, your utilities, and for the average guy....I doubt if they could throw more than 500 Euro a year at something like this.

The guys taking home 4,000 or more Euro a month?  Oh, they might like this idea and maybe be able to funnel 3,000 Euro a year into some retirement fund with tax-credit incentives attached to it.  You go and figure 30 years of contributions, dividends, and might have 150,000 Euro of a nest-egg sitting there at age 65. 

So this being a big positive for the CDU to sell the general public?  No.  There might be fifteen-percent of the public who find it curious and worth discussing. 

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