Thursday, December 20, 2018

Hessen State Government Situation

It took a fairly long period of time here in Hessen after the state election to form the new state government (to be led by the CDU with the Greens as their partner).  Seven weeks have passed since the election and the coalition was agreed upon today.  This likely will last through the five year period until the next election (fall of 2023)

HR (our public TV network for Hessen) covered most of this story today.

The one and only problem in this agreement?  On deportation efforts, the Greens want Georgia, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria declared as non-safe countries of origin.  The CDU feel that these are safe enough, and that asylum applicants will fail if this is their only excuse.

Because of this disagreement existing....if there is any vote that comes up in the Bundesrat (the Berlin level government where states have representation).....then the agreement is that they won't vote one way or another.....they will just abstain.

You see there are two basic doors that you can enter into Germany.  One is the refugee door, where you claim a danger in your home-country.  Typically, war counts (like in Syria's case with ISIS).  To some degree, you can use this excuse with Iran....if you claimed you were a Christian and would be threatened by Muslims if you returned.

The second method is a economic migrant door.  Here, you show your background, a degree, or some apprentice school certificate.  Someone coming up with a two-year nursing school certificate right now....would likely get an open door to stay and get a visa. 

On the other positive side of this CDU-Greens 'team'?  Well....they agreed to fund another extra 750 police, and to increase emphasis for the Fire Departments and rescue teams.  The public feels positive about emphasis on this type of issue.

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