Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Behavioral Change Essay

My German wife attempted to engage me on a delicate topic this past to resolve the German perception with immigrates, migrates and and asylum seekers.  The slant to this?  A fair number of Germans are fed up with the Merkel-developed vision....think that immigration has created a sort of Frankenstein creature....but have this heartburn about the AfD Party being the solution (they are the only anti-immigrate party existing in Germany).

So I sat and thought about it, and have my list of things that would have to happen to convince Germans that the landscape was changing, and that you didn't have to handcuff yourself to the AfD folks for some change to occur.

1.  Basically, you'd have to edit the Constitution.  Right now, the Basic Law says that you have the right to request immigration or asylum.  It used to least in Germany....that you applied from your home country....showing an ID....filling out the 15 pages of forms....and prove the case of asylum or immigration.  Two months of reviews would occur, and they'd either say 'yes' or 'no'.....if 'yes', then you got the visa and you could fly out the next day to Frankfurt.  My feeling is that the Constitution needs to say in a direct need to apply from the home-country, and not on the inside doorway of Germany.

2.  A mental and physical test.  At some point (probably before you give the individual a visa), you need to conduct a mental test and a medical physical.  If the guy has TB or any of a dozen odd'd be nice to know this prior to bringing the person into Germany.  If the guy is mentally crazy, or unable to live in a free/open environment.....then you ought to refrain from issuing a visa. If the guy is marginally educated and will never rise above burger-flipper status....I might hesitate on issuing a visa.

3.  Once you've reached the stage of handing out the ought to be attached to a five-year guest 'code'....which means if you get arrested for a serious crime (like assault, bank robbery, or sales of meth)....then your visa ought to be revoked and you go back to the home country.

4.  You need to convey across all lines that you aren't a baby-sitter service, a free-handout service, or a 'hotel-mama' operation (tending to mean you do everything for your guest....usually meaning your son).  By 'all lines', I mean German charity operations, pro-asylum folks, or political organizations.  There's no doubt that during the first two years of you accepting this guy or will have to sponsor them and carry them for the initial period.  But after two years, your 'sponsorship' should rapidly decrease, and they should be capable of working, paying taxes, and contributing to society.

5.  Writing down and emphasizing the role of a 'guest'.  If you can't be a good guest, then you can't be a visa-holder.  It's OK to criticism the German system, but a guest does not conduct himself/herself in a way to make themselves a problem for Germans to handle or 'clean-up'.

6.  Making a threat ought to bring your visa-status into a local government office and quickly get your attention with the problems that will occur if you continue to make threats.  Judges have to take a role to emphasize the 'good guest' and how behavior has to change.  I realize it's not the job of judges, but there's simply not a mechanism existing to correct bad behavior with new guests/immigrants.

7. Every German community needs to take the lead and offer up a behavioral modification class for male and female immigrants.  After you wrap up the language class, and the integration class....roughly forty man-hours over a month ought to be mandated where you know 'right' from 'wrong'.  I know it's stupid to have to do this with a 25-year old guy, but it appears that some folks aren't that sure what right means or how it reflects upon the safety of society.

What I'm suggesting is not radical or's just common behavioral traits that you tend to expect if you happened to walk into any western society.   A guest ought to know how to act as a guest.  It's a heck of a lot easier to go in this approach than to allow political anger mount, and you end up with a AfD group who have a vast agenda which creates even more problems. 

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